April 30, 2008

you're just disappointment

I'm depressed and few seem to understand, or to care.
They blame me and call me weak, and wrong, but use me as much as they dare.
In the mind there is no limit to how much one can dare or divorce,
the love inside and beauty all around that makes them alone. Of course,
you think you can find someone better. You defend all your fear,
the sad silence you strangle others with and pretend is god's premiere.
But I know that god is not villain, no ignorant fuck just looking to fuck.
Ready to run, to lie, to betray, to behead and still suck.
I hate you because you're a god damn waste of my time.
You sought me out and now I have only a sad forgotten memory, I desperately try to dislodge from my mind.
A sad poem, a sad song, the things you hold dearest inside,
What a waste of life you have no inspiration or love, just excuses and pride.
Fuck all of you--fuck all angels, fuck all spirits, fuck all you call sanity.
You have only rules and suggestions, cages, and disappointments, I'm a victim to all your fucking senseless vanity.

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